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Beyond Keyword Research: Find More Keywords Directly From Your Customers

Nowadays it’s pretty difficult to find a post on Amazon keyword research that’s not focused on the typical do’s and don’ts on how to perform a keyword research.
There are a million tools and blog posts about. And, of course, excellent tools like Viral Launch to find profitable keywords, their search volume and ad costs.
But, can we find a way beyond keyword research to get more keywords? Of course we can. Let’s see why and how.
People are people
That means they behave in unpredictable ways and that also means that their online search behaviour is 100% bizarre.
In 2017, Google stated that they process 3 trillion search queries yearly and that 15% of they are new, never been searched before. Can you imagine a search engine trained by artificial intelligence algorithms that still needs to learn 15% of new stuff and data yearly? Well, that’s Google and this is because, as I said, people are people. Since some of them search “Google” on, we must be prepared for everything.
Let’s take a look at one example from the Spanish market. Satisfyer is an air-pulse clitoris stimulator and literally nobody knew about it in Spain until last month.
There was a review of the product on Amazon that went viral. Some girl named Ariadna wrote “Best purchase ever! I will only say that I have deleted my Tinder account”.

It went so viral, this is Google Trends for the keyword “satisfyer”
Should we focus on the main keyword? Well, that’d be too expensive, so we can focus on long tail keywords we can find directly from customers.

Some will be transactional and others could be informational “can I travel with a satisfyer on my suitcase?” or “can they stop me at the airport security check for carrying a satisfyer in the suitcase?”. Yes, those are real search queries and user concerns.
Non branded and long tail keywords
Since we know all these things and that only 22% of Searches on Amazon Include a Brand Name, focusing on non branded keywords is crucial.

And, as we all know, short tail keywords are very competed, so it makes a lot of sense to find long tail keywords.
Pull new keywords from ad reports
So, long story short, how can we find new keywords? Directly from the users. Luckily for us we have Sponsored Product campaigns and advertising reports.

Targeting, advertising product, campaign report… blablabla. What we need to focus on is the “Search Term” report. See the following screenshot:

Choose your data range and export it.

What we are looking for is (typically) column “i”I: “Customer Search Term”. Those are the keywords customers are using to find our ads.

Since this is a 60 day history-back report, it would be really useful if you download it every now and then and store data on a Google Spreadsheet.

So now I’m looking at an example from an Spanish client which is selling photo albums. We focused on the short tail keywords (typically the ones that convert the most) and some long tail keywords.

One month later, we found gold on the search term report. Customers were looking for albums + the size of the pictures they wanted to put on the album and those terms were bringing orders.

Other interesting converting keywords we found were:

  • babies photo album to paste and write
  • photo album for twin babies
  • photo album for triplets
  • bambino photo album
  • etc

Of course, this keyword’s ACoS and CPCs were pretty low, so we could add the terms to our existing campaigns and test them on broad, exact and phrase match to track how they performed.

Ad reports are not easy to manage

I know, ad reports are not the easiest thing to use in the world. When you pull data from those Excels it’s pretty easy to get lost and don’t be able to find what’s useful and what’s not.

Lucky for us we have Zon.Tools’ reports.

Simply access the left menu and go to the “Keywords” section:

Due to stationality (different for every product), I’d select a recent range for my keywords (in my specific case), so I can extract the ones that perform the better.
Let’s say last 90 days, and then, apply an advanced search filter for “Stats Search”. For my account, I want to extract my “golden keywords”, that means:
  • ACoS lower than 20%
  • high performing CTR (+3%)

And combine it excluding the automatic keywords, so I go to “Name Search” and exclude (select “Doesn’t include”) keyword name “targeting”.
Voilà, then I can extract my 35 golden keywords exporting to CSV.

Those keywords would go to Manual keyword campaigns.
Now I have the keywords… so what?
Use them for your SEO
You can use them for your sponsored campaigns and also for your SEO.
As you know, your main keywords should be on your product’s title and bullet points.
But we can add more keywords on the description field and on the backend keywords. That’s why we added some of this converting keywords to boost sales.
Remember your backend keywords should:
  • include no quotes
  • never repeat keywords
  • don’t include singular and plural variations for the same keyword
  • don’t include commas, as they’re ignored
  • include misspellings
  • include variations for the same keyword
Index new keywords faster using ads
Do you want Amazon’s A9 to index your new keywords faster? Use them on your sponsored campaigns and point them at your product so the indexation process is faster.
Include > Convert > Repeat
So now you know how the process works and what you have to do is pull those keywords from the Search Term report, include them every day (or week), check how they perform and repeat the process, easy peasy!
Jordi Ordonez, Ecommerce and Amazon Consultant based in Amazon (Spain). 20 years working in online projects.

Tarik Ozkan

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