
SKUs. What are we going to do with SKUs? This being a test campaign, I’m going to enter two TEST Spatula SKU, one per line. The most important thing about this is that you have to put SKUs that are relevant to the same keywords within a PGN. Also, you have to put the SKUs that have the same price point.

So, you wouldn’t want to put an SKU  you’re selling for $10 and an SKU that you’re selling for $100 together because it will be very hard for you to optimize. Our automation tool will run based on your threshold and so, you need to consider what your ACoS and Max Spend will be. The third point is that they should be relevant to your profit margin because we’re going to optimize for ACoS and your ACoS threshold is based on your profit margin.

So, you can put as many SKUs as you want as long as you cover the three points I just mentioned.

Tarik Ozkan

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Published by
Tarik Ozkan